


Enliven your senses at the Dubbo Regional Botanic Garden. The botanic garden development began in 1999 and currently comprises of four distinctive garden spaces: Shoyoen, the Sensory Gardens, the Biodiversity Garden and the Oasis Valley.

Behind a formal Japanese gate or “sukiyamon” you’ll find Shoyoen our “strolling and refreshing” garden. This authentic Japanese Garden is maintained with the assistance of the Friends of the Dubbo Regional Botanic Garden as well as Dubbo’s sister city, Minokamo, through annual visits by their gardeners. Shoyoen it is recognised as being among the best examples of this style of garden within Australia. Enjoy a peaceful meander through the Biodiversity Garden that showcases the plant communities of the Dubbo region. Take time out at the Sensory Garden – an invigorating experience which has been designed to engage with visitors through smell, sight, sound, touch and taste. The Oasis Valley is the newest edition – opened in April 2013 the Valley is designed to exhibit dry rainforest species and tell the story about how our local bushland species evolved from the cool forests of Gondwanaland.

The Dubbo Regional Botanic Garden is located in East Dubbo, off Coronation Drive.

The 2011 Elizabeth Park Master Plan (Dubbo Regional Botanic Garden).  



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group and discover what Dubbo Regional
Botanic Garden has to offer?

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Find out more

Biodiversity Garden

Discover the Biodiversity Garden; a showcase of local native plant communities.


Oasis Valley

Discover the Oasis Valley; exhibiting dry rainforest species that demonstrate how our local bushland ...


Sensory Garden

Discover the Sensory Garden; an invigorating experience engaging smell, sight, sound, touch and tast ...


Wiradjuri Garden

Discover the Wiradjuri Garden; connect with the Wiradjuri culture of the Dubbo Region.