Village residents from across the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area are being invited to contribute their stories to a new oral history project.

Stories of Village Life will use oral recordings to capture the living histories of village residents to preserve voices and stories for generations to come.

Facilitators of the project will preserve the interviews in formats that are the industry standard for archiving. The interviews will then be published on the Western Plains Cultural Centre website where they will be accessible for both research purposes and the enjoyment of the general public.

“Through the sharing of memories and stories in a recorded interview, oral histories provide a means of capturing lived experiences, giving a voice to our past,” Local Studies Officer Simone Taylor said.

“By capturing these memories today, we can make sure they aren’t lost when people pass away or leave the area.

“They can help inform people in the years to come about what’s changed and what’s stayed the same in our villages. It’s just one way we can help show how much we cherish the smaller communities in our area, through sharing their unique stories and experiences.”

Geurie and Wongarbon will be the first villages to have their stories recorded.

Residents from Geurie and Wongarbon are invited to get in touch with the project teams to find out more.

“During the development of the Dubbo Regional Cultural Plan, also known as SPARC, the village communities were passionate in highlighting a need to capture the unique histories in our villages,” Miss Taylor said.

“A project such as this will not only save these precious stories, but provide a way to share and promote them, increasing our understanding of our whole community and adding more voices to our regional story.”

The Cultural Development Team are a planning a visit to each of the villages as part of the project rollout.

Those interested in finding out more about participating in the Stories of Village Life project should contact Local Studies Officer Simone Taylor at simone.taylor@dubbo.nsw.gov.au or on (02) 6801 4444.

Last Edited: 27 Jul 2023

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