Trees and Pruning

Expand the sections below for information on Dubbo Regional Council's street tree maintenance, pruning and Significant Tree Register.
Street trees play a major role our urban environment by absorbing heat, providing shade and reducing solar radiation. They also assist in noise reduction and air purification.
If you have a request for planting, pruning and removal of trees on Council land, contact Council using our dedicated webpage; Contact Council. The tree will be assessed and any necessary work will be carried out by our staff.
Council does not prune trees for power line clearance. Essential Energy is responsible for pruning street trees in these circumstances and sets out the required clearance for its power lines, for more information visit their dedicated webpage; Essential Energy
The maintenance of trees on privately owned land is the responsibility of the property owner. If you would like to ringbark, cut down, top, lop, and/or remove a tree from your property but aren't sure if it's permissible, you can consult the Significant Tree Register.
This register is intended to preserve trees and groups of trees which are attached additional values that make them "significant". For example, it may be a remnant of a previous landscape, have been planted by a famous person, be rare or an endangered species, or be of cultural or aesthetic value.
If the tree in question is listed on the register, please contact Council to discuss further.
Tree Preservation and Significant Tree Report 2019 (PDF 343.1MB)
To nominate a significant tree please complete the form on this webpage.
Last Edited: 22 Mar 2023