Connect to Water and Sewerage

Customers can apply to connect to Council's water supply or sewerage systems, or make changes to existing connections such as installing an additional water meter, changing the size or relocating your existing meter, installing meter guards or a backflow prevention device. If you are not the property owner, you must obtain the written owner’s approval in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.
The following information is provided to help you complete the application form thoroughly and accurately for a smooth and efficient process that will ensure your property can get connected to Council's water supply and/or sewerage system as soon as possible.
Time frames for Council's quote and proposed construction time
In accordance with Council’s Water Supply and Sewerage Customer Service Plan 2022/2023 & 2023/2024, available at A-Z Plans and Strategies, Council will provide a written quote to the applicant within ten (10) working days of receipt of the quote request. The quote will only be valid for three (3) months after issue.
Council will complete the construction work within forty (40) working days of receiving pre-payment for the work.
Services for water connections
In accordance with Council’s Water Supply Services Policy, available at A-Z Council Policies, water connections to properties are to be either a water service or a fire service. Combined water connections for fire services and water services are not permissible. In the absence of specific advice from the customer new water connections will be deemed to be a water service.
Fire services can only be used for firefighting purposes. For Council to recognise a fire service, the property owner must submit an annual Fire Service Certificate from a licensed plumber or other approved persons indicating the fire service is a fire service in strict compliance with the Plumbing Code of Australia.
How to determine the size of required water connections
The size of the water services and fires services are to be determined entirely by the customer. Customers may wish to engage a private hydraulic consultant for advice.
Sizes of available water and fire meters
The default domestic size is 20 mm. Available meter sizes are 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 80, 100 and 150 mm.
1. Complete the application form fully and submit to Council by
- Post to PO Box 81, Dubbo NSW 2830,
- Email to , or
- In person to Council's Customer Service Centre cnr Church & Darling Street, Dubbo or cnr Namina Crescent & Warne Street, Wellington
2. Make payment when quotation is accepted
3. Contact Council's Water Supply and Sewerage Capital Programs Coordinator for assistance if required.
Application to connect to Council's water supply system (PDF 850.3KB)
Application to connect to Council's sewerage system (PDF 274.9KB)
Application to disconnect water supply. (PDF 575.1KB)
Last Edited: 26 Sep 2024