Sewer Mains and Sewerage Services

Expand the sections below to view responsibilities of householders and Dubbo Regional Council, including customer service standards for sewerage services.
Every two years, Council adopts Customer Service Standards for Sewerage Services. These define the level of service Council aims to supply to its sewerage customers. The Water Supply and Sewerage Customer Service Plan 2022/2023 & 2023/2024 was adopted at the November 2022 Council meeting and can be viewed at Council's dedicated webpage; A-Z Plans and Strategies.
Depending on where you live, there may be differences in the level of service. This is because Council has adopted different Customer Service Levels within the Local Government area.
Dubbo - Sewer services area (PDF 1.6MB)
Geurie - Sewer services area (PDF 170KB)
Mumbil - Sewer services area (PDF 151KB)
Nanima - Sewer services area (PDF 541.8KB)
Wellington - Sewer services area (PDF 397.6KB)
Wongarbon - Sewer services area (PDF 164.1KB)
As a property owner, it is your responsibility to maintain or repair sewer pipes within your property up to the boundary connection point to Council's sewer. Please see brochure below for more information.
Sewer Responsibility (PDF 2MB)
The following guides assist property owners to stop storm water entering the sewerage system and prevent internal sewer overflows.
How to cut sewer overflow (PDF 2.8MB)
Keeping Tree Roots out of Sewer Lines (PDF 1.6MB)
Customers can apply to connect to Council's sewerage system. If you are not the property owner, you must obtain the owner’s written approval in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.
For further information and to apply, please visit Council’s Connect to water and sewerage page and complete the Application to Connect to Council’s sewerage system. Council will provide a written quote to the applicant within ten (10) working days of receipt of the quote request. The quote will only be valid for three (3) months after issue.
For selected areas in the Local Government Area Council has adopted pressure sewerage as a means of providing sewerage. In such cases the pressure sewerage system replaces the gravity sewerage network Council would have constructed in the past. Please contact Council to obtain a copy of Council's Pressure Sewerage Systems Policy.
If you are the occupier serviced by a pressure sewerage system you should have a Pressure Sewerage Manual (PDF 897.9KB)
Last Edited: 24 Jul 2024