Tipping Vouchers

We have changed the way you can access residential tipping vouchers. This program is available to residents who receive a two or three bin kerbside collection. Each eligible household can access one voucher per financial year. Residents can download their voucher online, by phone, or by visiting one of the Council’s Customer Experience Centres. Create an account if you haven't already, then log into My DRC Waste portal to download and redeem.
Once you have downloaded your voucher, you can visit one of Council's Waste Facilities for disposal of up to 1 cubic metre (max. 300kg). Terms and conditions of use, accepted and prohibited items and answers to frequently asked questions are listed below.
Accepted and Prohibited Items
Accepted Items
- Whitegoods eg dryers, washing machines, fridges, freezers, air conditioners and dishwashers
- Furniture eg lounges, chairs, tables
- Appliances and electronics eg toaster, blender, heater and batteries, light bulbs, power cords
- Toys and sporting goods eg bicycles
- Scrap metal
- Flooring
- Carpet, rugs and linoleum
- Green waste
- Household rubbish and recyclables
- Domestic or perishable garbage (including nappies)
- Smashed glass, windows, or mirrors
Prohibited Items
- Asbestos, fibro sheets or planks
- Building and construction waste (concrete, bricks, tiles, stone, plasterboard, bricks and soil)
- Hazardous waste including paint, chemicals, solvents, batteries, oils, gas bottles, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers
- Commercial waste
Terms and Conditions of Use
Please note that these conditions of use and additional terms and conditions may change without notice.
Conditions of Use
- Each voucher is valid for up to 300kgs of waste.
- All residents are required to separate recyclables from general waste at all Council Waste Facilities.
- Authorised staff members retain the right to make the final decision on the volume of waste accepted under the voucher system. If your load exceeds the allowance outlined above, charges will apply.
- Inappropriate language or behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated, our staff have been directed to terminate interactions and refer issues to management where necessary.
Additional Terms and Conditions
- Vouchers are not redeemable for cash.
- Selling vouchers is not permitted.
- Lost vouchers can be replaced by calling or visiting one of the Council’s Customer Experience Centres. Any vouchers previously used will be voided and are unable to be used again.
- Owners of multiple properties are only entitled to vouchers for the property they reside within. Where exceptional circumstances exist, multiple property owners may seek vouchers for their tenanted properties.
FAQs - What if I am a rural resident?
Residents who do not have a weekly collection service and pay the Rural Waste Management Charge for the property will be able to dispose of waste equivalent to 52 quantities of a 240 litre wheelie bin across the financial year. To download your rural tipping vouchers, create an account and verify your property at My DRC Waste. The system will show your remaining unclaimed voucher total.
FAQS - What happens if the tipping voucher for my residence has already been used?
You may still be eligible for other Council programs or facility charges, find out more at Residential Rubbish Overview.
FAQS - How much will it cost to visit a waste facility if I have already used my voucher?
View Council's Fees and Charges document at Integrated Planning and Reporting, which shows all costs that can be charged at our waste facilities.
FAQS - My residence is new, or new to me, do I get a tipping voucher?
To be eligible for a tipping voucher, households must have established
domestic waste services prior to 1 July 2024. If your home was built or
purchased after this date, please contact Council on 02 6801 4000 to confirm
your eligibility.
If you are renting a property or your home has been newly purchased
after 1 July 2024, the tipping voucher for your residence may already have been
claimed. You can check the My
DRC Waste system to see if a collection allocation remains available.
If you are a tenant, please ensure you use your legal name when applying
for a My DRC Waste account. This will help minimise potential issues throughout
the approval process with your real estate agent or landlord.
FAQS - What if I own a number of properties in the LGA?
We want to ensure every household has the chance to keep their property clean and presentable, this means you won't be eligible to claim for residences you own but do not reside in.
Last Edited: 10 Jan 2025